Marlene Jenkins Cooper's Books
Three books to encourage you on life's journey.
While in the Valley“While in the Valley is a book of ten lessons the author experienced while going through a separation and divorce. God taught her valuable lessons that she draws from daily. The lessons are taught through scripture study, journaling, personal experience, and personal devotions. Come along and experience the lessons learned while in the valley and discover how God showed Himself faithfully to those that trust in Him!
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LIFE 101Life 101 is a helpful book about money management and life lessons for young adults. This extraordinary and timely book takes the reader through each stage of life from the beginning of adulthood to retirement. Readers will be exposed to knowledge that will assist them in making crucial decisions that will enhance their financial well-being and their overall quality of life.
GRACE NOTESGrace Notes is a collection of 100 devotionals written for those in music ministry and for those that love church music. The devotionals will foster spiritual growth, provide themes for reflection, uplift, and unite those in music ministry during rehearsal. For time spent alone with God in personal devotions, Grace Notes will minister and encourage the soul.